Kids Dental & Orthodontics is listed in Bridal Quince , El Paso Family and Beauty guides.
At Kids Dental & Orthodontics, we offer a wide range of dental services, including children's specialties like Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. KDO Team strives toward the same goal -- to provide you with the greatest experience in oral healthcare. Our team is here to help you with every phase of treatment and care. We will answer all of your questions and ensure you have the best experience visiting the dentist. Your child will receive a dental cleaning and guidance on proper oral hygiene techniques.
We conduct comprehensive examinations, including digital x-rays, and then diagnoses problems to prevent them from becoming serious. This ensures your child receives the best care available to them and best dental experience. Your child will receive a dental cleaning and guidance on proper oral hygiene techniques.
We offer Nitrous Oxide for treatment of decay. Children who experience anxiety due to the sights, sounds, or sensations of dental treatment may respond more positively with the use of nitrous oxide. It can reduce anxiety and gagging and make long appointments more bearable for your child. We will do everything we can to help them relax and enjoy their visit with us.
We offer Sedation for treatment of decay as well. Sedation dentistry uses medication to help children relax during many dental procedures. It's often referred to as "sleepy juice," although that's not entirely accurate as often times your child is awake during the procedure. It reduces anxiety and gagging, and just like Nitrous Oxide it helps them relax and enjoy their dental visit.
We offer full preventative care, fluoride treatments and tooth sealants. We will give you personalized guidance for parents on brushing and flossing. We highly recommend starting preventative care as soon as the first tooth erupts. We advise to bring your child to their first dental visit by 12 months of age.