
West Texas Driving Academy

West Texas Driving Academy

West Texas Driving Academy is listed in El Paso Family guide.

West Texas Driving Academy is a locally owned business, 3 schools strong and growing. We have 3 convenient locations to choose from that are nearby local high schools in which we have built solid relations to continue awareness with teens and their parents. Our Supervisory Teacher is a sponsor and campaigns Teen in the Driver Seat program in local junior high and high schools, spreading the word wide and far of the importance of spreading the word among their peers about deadly driving risks and encourage them to make smart choices while behind the wheel and as passengers.” Victoria Barroso is also a Driver Training and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Board Member, newly elected official on February 2018, and will serve the West Texas Region's Traditional Driver Education Program.

While other driving schools claim all schools teach the same curriculum, the difference is how West Texas teaches the curriculum, our school comes with a personal touch and a lasting relationship that have made our teen's parents comfortable and where they trust WTDA. We work with the community to help adults and teenagers receive their driver's license while helping them apply the much needed skills while on the road. Our mission is to make safe drivers and teach the values of defensive driving.

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Ex: August 26, 2024
We are planning a wedding in August 2024 and expecting 150 people. We are looking for packages, options, pricing and deals. Please contact me via email or phone call. Thank you.
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