It’s the season we wait for all year! That’s right its…
ALLERGY season! Ha! Just kidding, all though we all dread allergy season there’s
no hiding from it. Below are some tips and tricks to help avoid allergies.
Dust. Mold. Pets. Are all adding to your allergies. We can’t exactly get rid of
all of these allergy inducers 100% but we can try to prevent them as much as
possible. Dust. Did you know dust doesn’t actually cause allergies, dust mites
cause the allergies. Just a few ways to minimize your exposure to dust mites
are, if you or your children have any stuffed animals lying around wrap one or
two of them in a bag and place them overnight in a freezer once or twice a week
to extract the dust mites, clear out your items stored under your bed, if you
have any heavy drapes or horizontal blinds roll them up or fold them so they do
not touch the floor, wash your blankets, sheets and pillowcases in hot water
once a week. Molds. Mold likes to hide in dark and cool places. Some ways to help decrease or stop the mold
growth in your house is to keep a nightlight on in your closest, clean your
window frames, avoid buying foam rubber pillows and/or mattresses (if you do
buy these make sure to re-buy them every so often). Some ways to lessen the amount of allergies you’re
getting from your pets are to keep the house well ventilated, open the windows.
Wash your pet frequently, and clean your house thoroughly.