How to stop guests from taking your centerpieces!
It’s the day of your Quinceañera the day you’ve been waiting for is FINALLY HERE! Your family has spent so much money and time for this day to be here! As most of you know some guests view taking home the centerpieces of the tables at your Quince as a memory! But sometimes you don’t necessarily always want that to be the case! Don’t worry! This is a fixable problem but you must plan before your Quince!

1st solution- Ask someone in your family to dedicate their time at your Quince to keep an eye out, if they see anyone walking out with your centerpieces ask them to kindly stop them and inform them that the centerpieces are not to take.

2nd solution- Have a note on the centerpiece or near it! Don’t worry it doesn’t have to be a huge note but something that is noticeable that will inform the guests that your centerpieces are not to be moved!

3rd solution-When most of your guests have arrived make a announcement that your centerpieces are not to be taken and thank them for coming.